Last week, I listened to episode #842 of London, Ontario’s Just Right radio show. It was all about why people do stupid things that destroy society. It focused on the writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German Lutheran pastor theologian and anti-Nazi dissident.
Dietrtich believed that nations fall, not as a consequence of malice, but because of a widespread “phenomenon of stupidity” amongst its people.
But not all of its people…
“Moreover, this phenomenon of stupidity, observed Bonhoeffer, is most predominant among people living in groups and collectives,” says Just Right's host, “and very rare in independent individuals or those who generally live alone. This suggests a strong psychological force at play, and goes a long way towards explaining why the collectivist Left (communism/socialism/fascism) promotes so many genuinely stupid and immoral ideas, policies and ideologies.”
Like me, you probably consider yourself an independent individual. You’d rather follow your gut than follow the lemmings off the cliff. You don’t mind being alone if you must.
I was born on a 40-acre farm outside of Brantford. Needless to say, there weren’t many kids in my “neighbourhood” growing up. Brad lived a half-mile away. Daryl and Ron lived even farther. I learned to be content spending time alone during summer holidays. I’d paddle up and down a creek running through our property on a raft my father helped me build, feeling as free as Huck Finn on the Mississippi.
Such independence is a strength and an obstacle. The political left has gained power because of their herd mindset — even though they are herding people off cliffs of woke ideology, carbon craziness and other government interventions.
To avoid us being rounded up and pushed off the cliff by the growing number of lemmings, we need to show that standing up for justice and morality will not leave you friendless and alone.
That’s one of the reasons I launched The Purple Microphone. By bringing on Perth-Wellington residents who oppose government overreach, we are showing our neighbours that supporting individual rights and freedom will not leave them in a social vacuum where they must fend for themselves.
But producing the podcast is costing us $250 per week. Promoting it will cost even more.
For this first month of 2024, we’ve set a fundraising goal of $2,024. That’ll cover the show’s production costs, our regular administrative expenses plus a few thousand flyers.
So far we’ve received $320 in donations.
That’s only 15% of what we need to meet our goal and keep the show going.
I know we’re a party based on classical conservatism — but being conservative with your donations will almost guarantee the loss of our freedoms.
So, please help us raise the remaining $1704. If you and 45 others make a $45 donation today, we’ll exceed that goal by midnight.
There are three ways to donate:
1. Credit Card: Pay online with a credit card using our secure shopping cart: https://perthwellingtonppc.myshopify.com/products/donate
2. E-Transfer: Send an email interac to: donate@perthwellingtonppc.ca
3. Cheque: Write a cheque payable to “Perth Wellington PPC EDA” and post it to: 615 Wallace Avenue South, Listowel, ON N4W 1Y7
Any questions, just hit reply. Thank you in advance.
Wayne Baker