As you surely know, the People's Party of Canada was banned from the National Debate. To compensate for the injustice, filmmaker Lauren Chen interviewed PPC Leader Maxime Bernier and PPC candidate Viva Frei on her YouTube channel:

"That was not a debate," said Bernier. " It was a waste of time. They didn't have a real discussion. The journalists were more leftist-activists than journalists."
Many candidates have been banned from local debates because they are not double-vaccinated. Bernier even told how he was isolated in a booth by himself during a radio debate. Frei, who is double-vaccinated, described such tactics as "political cowardice to exploit and weaponize the vaccine status to avoid debate."
"I believe that the mainstream media is afraid of our message," says Bernier. "They know that it is powerful. And they know if we have more opportunity we will have more people on our side."
While Bernier may have been banned from the "debate," you can still listen to his oppositional responses on the PPC's Official YouTube channel.
Lastly, don't forget that, as Wayne Baker tweeted yesterday, the advanced polls "will be open all weekend and Monday. I encourage everyone to take advantage of this and cast your vote early!" Visit Elections Canada for the location of your polling station.
"The PPC Party presents the only common sense, rational alternative to the present ruling political establishment," emailed Geoff Hotson, an agricultural salesperson in Mount Forest. "It offers hope, positivity and true democracy to replace the atmosphere of fear, anxiety and extreme authority that is the modus operandi of all of the three main political parties."
—John C. A. Manley | Perth-Wellington PPC Webmaster
P.S. Last night, the PPC had a float (it's the purple one) in the Arthur Fair Parada which you can see on Wayne Baker's Twitter feed.
P.P.S. And here's a short video of the Moffatt family replacing their John Nater lawn sign with a PPC.