My “Unacceptable” New Year’s Resolution

My New Year's resolution for 2024 is on schedule...

Tomorrow, I launch The Purple Microphone — my new weekly uncensored podcast where I and local PPC supporters will be sharing "unacceptable" views that many people are afraid to even whisper.

Canada prides itself on its "tolerance" and "inclusivity" — even though it has become one of the least tolerant countries in the Western world. Sure, Canucks tolerate tyrannical medical mandates, 73 gender identifications and crippling carbon taxes; yet they censor, threaten and even imprison people who dare to question such extreme and unscientific ideas.

Why do people put up with such nonsense? Because they are afraid they'll be called a "bad" person (AKA a racist, a bigot, transphobic, fascist, homophobic, etc.)

Well, I'm not afraid.

I'd rather be a good person and be called "bad" than go along with lies and be labelled "good."

As Maxime Bernier said in a recent email: "We don't need more politicians like Pierre Poilievre who speak out of both sides of their mouth, trying to placate everyone..."

I assure you my new show won't placate everyone. It's probably going to get me a lot of hate mail.

But I have faith that The Purple Microphone will also...

...thrill those on the real right who are tired of the pseudo-conservatism of the CPC.

...resonate with those who have been apolitical most of their life — because they refuse to entertain the endless theatrics of the three major parties.

...and even attract people on the left who — thanks to three years of COVID tyranny — now see the dark end game of all socialist policies: total control of every aspect of your life.

As our working theme song for the new show goes:

Freedom is where there's neither tyranny nor anarchy,
Where the government works to keep people free.

The PPC won't lock us down in a big nanny state,
They'll leave us in peace to make this country great.

Episode one will start the New Year off with an extra loud bang as it's all about... gun ownership. Hear my interview with Perth County resident Dennis Dill explaining why it is immoral, frivolous and dangerous to ban guns in Canada.

See you tomorrow, with episode one.

Wishing us all a Purple New Year,

Wayne Baker

PS If you donated in 2023, let me say thank you for helping to make The Purple Microphone possible. Please keep those donations coming. It is only With your continued support we will reach our goal of releasing 52 episodes in 2024 and also making a strong inroad towards building a war chest for the next election.