The Purple Microphone with Wayne Baker

The People's Voice of Perth-Wellington

Unbridled democracy can easily turn into mob rule where individual rights and freedoms are tossed aside in the name of the “greater good” (e.g. mandatory vaccinations or mandatory pronouns). Wayne Baker talks with Grahame Booker, PhD about the dangers of democracy. Watch or listen to it here.

In part two of Wayne Baker's interview with Daniel Hotson, the focus shifts to other ways the woke school system is failing students and explores alternatives to how kids can still receive a good education that will lead to well-paying careers. Watch or listen to it here.

Woke ideology has become the source of a new form of systemic discrimination against people who do not fall into any of its ”alphabet soup“ identities. Nowhere is such discrimination more apparent than in the government-funded education systems. For an insider’s account of what’s really happening, Wayne Baker interviewed Daniel Hotson, a student at Stratford District Secondary School. Watch or listen to it here.

"There is no other reason for gun control," says Dennis Dill, "other than that government has plans to do bad things to the people,  and they don’t want those people, the citizens, to have the effective ability to resist." This is part two of Wayne Baker's interview with Dennis Dill, explaining how history has shown that only government with tyrannical intent disarm their population. Watch or listen to it here.

Many people believe all guns should be banned in Canada to keep people safe from violent crimes. Dennis Dill completely disagrees. In this premier episode of The Purple Microphone, Perth-Wellington PPC candidate Wayne Baker sits down with Dennis Dill to discuss why banning guns is immoral, frivolous and dangerous. Watch or listen to it here.