About six weeks ago, I received a call from a Wayne Baker letting me know he was running for the PPC candidate in our riding. Despite his mild-manner, once the electoral gates opened, we watched as he charged forward with his first speech before the Grain Farmers of Ontario, where he said:

This was followed by our first gathering in Mitchell, where lawyer Nicolas Wansbutter spoke out against the vaccine mandates: "I think it is a terrifying situation to be faced with losing your livelihood. But I think if people just stand fast, that terrible thing is not going to come to pass."
This was followed by an event in Drayton where cold-calling warrior David Mohr warned that "if we don't win this election this year, this time around, there won't be another election. Because dictators don't allow elections." (I hope he was exaggerating. He's been known to do that.)
Bob Coleman took the mic next pointing out that if "you do the math, [there] could be eight to ten millions people [who are not vaccinated]. And if their red line is the same as my red line, and ten million people vote PPC... things are going to change. Things are going to be different. So don't give up."
Around that time we launched this website, this email newsletter and delivered 40,000 copies of our new two-page, full-colour flyer to homes across the riding, asking the people of Perth-Wellington if they were "ready for a return to common sense?"
Next Dr. Ron Brown, PhD came to town for a live interview with Wayne (though he largely ended up interviewing himself, he was so fire), backing up the PPC's opposition to the COVID measures with scientific evidence, saying: "So we have imported a Chinese-style, dictatorship-style, communist-style, totalitarian-authoritarian-style of public health measures. China has no regards for rights and freedoms. That's the system that we are now operating under."
This was followed, six days ago, by Max Bernier appearing at a rally in London where he said: "You know what they told us [at] the beginning of [the] COVID-19 hysteria? Two weeks to flatten the curve. Now, [it's] six days to flatten the lie."
Then, on Friday, retired hockey player Mark Bell was guest speaker at a PPC BBQ in Shakespeare, where he promised: "Like Wayne said, we are just getting started. We have to continually fight for our freedoms, fight for our children... Our government works for us. We don't work for them."
Lastly, on Saturday night, we had Professor Salim Mansur in Mount Forest tell us:
This is the end game. This in the third scene in the fifth act of Shakespeare. And we have to win. And we are going to put immense responsibility on people like Wayne Baker. And he has very broad shoulders. And he has a partner with similar broad shoulders. And she is going to strike him down if he doesn't listen to us. But he will listen to us. He will carry a voice. It is the voice to get back our freedom."

Whatever happens with the election, no matter how many PPC candidates are elected, we have gained ground. And if we don't stop, but keep going with the momentum we have mustered, how can truth not win? Hundred of volunteers have staked signs, made phone calls, delivered flyers, worked long hours and donated tens of thousands of dollars to beat the odds and do our best to get an honest man into the House of Commons.
In a meeting on Saturday, Wayne told us that, regardless of whether he is sitting in Ottawa or not, he will continue to lead the fight locally in every way he can. He and Steve Van Nes have been out all day keeping an eye on the polls. And right now, Wayne, Marilyn, Steve, Joilyn and over thirty volunteers are staying up late watching each vote be counted and double-checking the tallies.
The dire state of our world today bears the gift of shaking us out of complancent slumber. Please, remember these words form Percy Shelly’s The Mask of Anarchy:
Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number,
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you --
Ye are many -- they are few.
The purple lion has woken. Let's keep feeding it.
—John C. A. Manley | Webmaster
PS Tomorrow, I'm going to ask Wayne to make a video for you all about the results and the future work ahead of us. Hopefully, Wayne will be giving a victory speech.