"Trudeau wants us to believe that proof of vaccination will prevent us [from spreading] the virus," said PPC leader Maxime Bernier before a crowd in London on Wednesday. "But we know the science is on our side. Everybody can spread the virus. We don't need... discrimination or segregation."
"And we know that [the] vaccination passport has and will have... an expiration date. It will [soon come] when they ask us to take the third shot, the fourth shot, or the fifth shot. We are saying no to them. We don't want to live in a 'show-me-your-papers' society."

Of course, vaccination status is only one of the many ways the establishment is promoting segregation. Bernier goes on to tell how the CBC contacted him with questions about the PPC campaign. They wanted to know: How many of our candidates were black. How many were gay? How many were Muslim? Jewish? LGBT?
To hear Maxime's response (and the entire 21-minute speech from the London rally) please visit the Perth-Wellington PPC YouTube Channel.
Maxime is a hard act to follow, but we are going to do our best...
Tonight, beginning at 4pm, retired NHL hockey player Mark Bell will be guest of honour at the PPC's Perth-Wellington BBQ at 3976 Galt St in Perth East. Though he played left wing on the ice his political views lean in the other direction.
A Perth County resident, Bell recently stated on his Twitter account: "Get to know @WayneBakerPPC. Understand each parties platform and what they stand for, and what the future will look like with that party. I stand for freedom! That is why I support @peoplespca."

In another Tweet, Mark Bell spoke out against the segregational rhetoric of Trudeau when the prime minister referred to anyone who chooses not to get vaccinated as "those people." You can read Bell's response on his Twitter feed.
—John C. A. Manley | Webmaster
PS And, remember, you can hear more from Mark Bell at tonight's Perth-Wellington BBQ. It runs from 4-8pm at 3976 Galt St in Perth East's village of Shakespeare. Bring a friend, co-worker or family member.
PPS You can also meet and enjoy the company of other freedom-minded neighbours who are voting to keep our country strong and free for our all Canadians—irregardless of their vaccine status, their religious beliefs, their sexual orientation, their skin colour or country of origin... or even which hockey they root for.