How acting like a porcupine stopped Japan from invading America in World War II

The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour but never landed on the mainland. Ever wonder why?

In the premiere episode of The Purple Microphone, Dennis Dill and I provided an answer that gun-banning tyrants don't want you to hear.

It involved people acting like porcupines.

No, I've not gone woke. They didn't identify as porcupines.

But as Indigenous people teach, we can learn a lot from wild animals.

Check out this 5-minute clip to see what I mean:

Dennis and I also explain why gun registration could prove deadly if Canada were ever invaded.

We cover all this in less than five minutes:

Please share it with your friends and family. We must counter the Liberal’s policies against self-defence by getting the PPC into parliament. As much as I'm pro-gun, I'd rather fight tyranny with ballots instead of bullets.

Wayne Baker

PS Oh, and if you're not into guns, did I mention the video contains some darn cute footage of baby porcupines?