Is MacGyver little more than leftist programming with duct-tape and a switchblade?

Steve Van Nes, president of the PPC Perth-Wellington Association, wrote me to say:




I watched the second episode of The Purple Microphone and quite enjoyed the part where you played that clip with the MacGyver fan who hates guns. Clearly, the Youtuber has never heard of the MacGyver parody character: MacGruber.


MacGruber, played by Will Forte, was created for Saturday Night Live but eventually became so popular that he was featured in his own movie.


At the start of the movie, MacGruber doesn't like guns or use them either. When he gets in shootouts with the villains, he spends his time trying to make gadgets instead of shooting back — angering his highly competent sidekick Lieutenant Dixon Piper (who does use guns).


Usually, the villains escape or injure an innocent person due to MacGruber's inaction.


Towards the end of the movie, MacGruber admits to Dixon that he's scared of guns and that's why he doesn't use them. Dixon helps him get over his fear.


After using a firearm for the first time MacGruber exclaims: "This is so much better than those stupid [explicit] gadgets I used to make!"


Although this is a parody movie made for laughs, it does support two of Dennis' points:


1. Even if the good guys don't have guns, the bad guys will.


2. A gun is nothing to be scared of. A gun doesn't have free will, it can't hurt anyone on its own. 


Lastly, if you form your opinions based on what a fictional TV character said — whether that character is MacGyver or MacGruber — you need to get out more!




Sadly, as Dennis Dill said in our interview, most TV shows are “leftist programming” — encouraging people to sacrifice their individual rights to “the greater good” in the name of “safety,” “inclusiveness” or some other false pretense.


Well, The Purple Microphone (working title) has no such soul-destorying, soceity-collapsing programming embedded in it.


If you haven’t yet, you can still watch or listen to my two-part interview with Dennis Dill on YouTube, Rumble or Apple Podcasts. Here are the links…


Part 1: The Immorality of Restricting Private Gun Ownership 


Part 2:  The Real Reason Governments Don't Want You To Own a Gun 


Wayne Baker