Is wokism the new racism?

The woke movement started out exposing subtle and unacceptable forms of racism which still linger in Western culture.

Linger. They’re hardly systemic.

If racism were systemic, a black woman like Oprah Winfrey wouldn’t have been dubbed the “Queen of All Media” while enjoying a net worth of 2.8 billion dollars.

Sadly, the woke movement long ago morphed into the very monster it was trying to slay. Except now it’s a three-headed monster falsely labelled: diversity, equality and inclusion.

Steve Van Nes, our association’s president, sent me a video on the weekend with two comedians exposing how racism and wokism are essentially the same thing. It’s less than two minutes long and would be funny if it weren’t so true:


Next week’s episode of The Purple Microphone is with Daniel Hotson, a young man brave enough to expose the woke and racist agenda being enacted in his Stratford high school. Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out:

Wayne Baker

PS Please help us drive the three-headed woke monster out of Perth-Wellington by contributing towards our advertising budget. Our goal for this first month of 2024 is to raise $2,024. Click this link for three ways to donate: