In a November 2020 Rebel News report, Tamara Ugolini described Salim Mansur as "an academic, turned journalist, turned political candidate who fled Calcutta in 1971 under the intense Indo-Pakistani War, where militant dictatorship led to genocide.
"I'm under the impression that we should heed his warning."
Mansur will be offering such a warning, and hope, at today's PPC event in Mount Forest. A Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the University of Western Ontario, he also ran as the PPC candidate for London North Centre in 2019.

"My perspective, and the perspective of many Canadians," Mansur said in his interview with Ugolini, "is the parties represented in the parliament in Ottawa are all globalists parties.... They all support the UN agenda—exactly what is happening right now with COVID, masking, and everything surrounding what is basically a 'Wuhan flu.' All four parties in the parliament—the Liberals, the Conservatives, the NDP and the Green—are all globalists in that sense."
You can hear more from Mansur at the rally this evening. First there will be a BBQ, then Mansur and others speaking.
4:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Campbell Devore PARK (AKA Cork St. Park)
Cork St and Princess St (click here for a map)
Mount Forest
We expect a large crowd of freedom-minded people.
An island of sanity.
We hope you can come ashore.
—John C. A. Manley | Webmaster
PS For more on Salim Masur see Protecting the Ultimate Minority: The Individual.
PPS Whether you can attend the event tonight or not, please be sure to make it to your polling station on Monday (if you have not already voted). Help make common sense normal again.