Recommended Resources

The People's Party of Canada National Website:

The Max Bernier Show: Over 63 episodes fetare PPC leader Maxime Bernier interviewing experts in a wide range of fields who oppose the mainstream political narrative. All available on the PPC's Official YouTube Cahnnel.

Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms: The mission of the Justice Centre is to defend the constitutional freedoms of Canadians through litigation and education. Visit them at

Strong and Free Canada: Formerly known as End the Lockdown Canada, this grassroots organization is dedicated to recovering our rights and freedoms. They provide factual data and expert testimony on COVID and government overreach. They lobby our governments at all levels to return and respect our rights under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian Bill of Rights. Visit them at

Perth Public Sanity: A local grassroots organization dedicated to saving the county from the "nutty new normal." Visit them at