One Year Later: Has Anything Really Changed?

Dear Friends & Supporters,

One year ago today, February 14, 2022, a day that is supposed to commemorate love and romance, was changed forever into a day of abuse. A day that abused Governmental power, a day that abused our constitutional guarantees, a day that abused our civil liberties, a day that abused our right to peacefully gather and protest, a day that abused our right to openly and honestly criticize the Government and its policies, a day of infamy here in Canada.

You see it was February 14, 2022 that our Government, primarily represented by our Prime Minister, but not solely in his ability to do so, enacted a state of war against its own peacefully protesting citizens. The implications of the Emergencies Act are so profound and far reaching, that in theory, it can only be invoked during times of extreme threat to our Nation and its Government. Bouncy Castles, Hot Tubs, Free Food, and an overall jubiliant and fun loving crowd does not constitute an extreme threat to our Nation. It does, however, constitute an extreme threat to the Authoritarian ideology that has been crammed down our throats since 2015.

A very important condition to implementing the Emergencies Act is a final and independent report clarifying if the implementation of the Act was justified or not. This report must be issued and made public within a year of invoking the Act. With the report not yet available publicly, our Government as of midnight tonight, has broken its own law. What kind of example is that setting for the rest of the Country, or for the World for that matter?

It seems that rather than doing everything in our power to reject the sheer dangers of Authoritarianism and the absolute Hell that is in its wake, we are cowering and hoping it will go away. The bad news is,
the more we cower, the bolder the perpetrators become. If you really want your life to go back to some semblance of what it was before 2015 then GET BOLD! Draw your line in the sand and stop

In conclusion, I want to repeat this quote from Elie Wiesel, get used to it, in fact I would suggest you memorize it because it describes our position and our choice: “The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. The opposite of life is not death, it's indifference.”

What are you doing that is not indifferent?
