Stratford City Hall Protest Against Vaccination Segregation

We now live under a government that openly segregates its citizens, coerces people to take a semi-annual injection with an "acceptable death rate" and then lie about its effectiveness.

Tomorrow, Saturday, October 2, 2021, we'll be holding a protest against coercive vaccine passports in front of Stratford City Hall. This is part of a nation-wide protest happening in cities across Canada.

Come anytime between 1 pm and 3 pm. Please bring a sign, drums, pots and pans and your voice.

Stand up against segregation, pseudo science and these dangerous injections before it gets any worse.

Stay brave, true and... do something!
—John C. A. Manley |

PS Please watch this short music video by Five Times August for some inspiration and courage: "I Will Not Be Leaving Quietly"

PPS For photos and a short summary of our last protest at the police station head one over here.