In this week’s episode of The Purple Microphone, I talk with Dr. Grahame Booker about the dangers of democracy.
Yes, you heard me right. Unbridled democracy can easily turn into mob rule where individual rights and freedoms are tossed aside in the name of the “greater good” (e.g. mandatory vaccinations or mandatory pronouns).
Originally from Sydney, Australia, Grahame has lived in Canada most of his life working as a teacher. He holds a PhD in political philosophy from the University of Waterloo and is the author of Coercion, Authority and Democracy: Towards an Apolitical Order. Currently retired, Grahame lives in Stratford with his wife.
In our interview, Grahame explains why government is not the solution to the world’s problems and how keeping it as small as possible is in the people’s best interest. You can watch or listen to it here:
Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:
• Should government have any more authority than an individual?
• Dr. Booker's reaction to Winston Churchill’s famous quote on democracy.
• Why a constitutional democracy is only as good as its constitution.
• What essential roles should the government execute?
• How and why politicians often follow the orders of bureaucrats rather than voters.
• Why Dr. Booker believes the COVID-19 pandemic was a hoax.
• The problems, dangers and limitations of green energy as we currently utilize it.
• The difference between compulsion and charity.
• How globalist elites are using altruism to inspire us into abject poverty.
All that, and more, at:
Wayne Baker