While the media has falsely accused the People's Party of Canada of promoting racism, Maxime Bernier, in episode #44 of the Max Beriner Show, points out that the current government's efforts "to promote every special ethnicity and minority group" is what's actually "dividing us by the colour of our skin or other criteria."
In that same episode, Bernier's guest, Professor Salim Mansur of the University of Western Ontario responded: "Ultimately the minority is the individual. Our entire history—that is the history of the West, and particularly the United States and Canada—has been the development of the enlightenment values.... which is a culture of freedom based upon individual rights. Me, I, and you. And that is being destroyed by this neo-Marxist cultural theory that is critical race theory and multiculturalism."

Not only is Mansur a Professor Emeritus of Political Science but he is an immigrant, born in Kolkata, India. He will be speaking at the PPC's peaceful protest before the CBC Broadcast Centre on Thursday in Toronto.
Closer to home, did you hear that Max Bernier will be coming to London for a rally on Wednesday? It begins at 4:30pm at the Springbank Gardens (Guy Lombardo Pavilion), 285 Wonderland Rd S. Wayne Baker, along with volunteers and supporters from Perth-Wellington, will also be attending. If you want to car pool with others to get there and back, please let us know. The bigger the crowd, the bigger the impact.
And we are making an impact. Just look at which party Canadians are searching for most according to Google Trends...

"I believe that the mainstream media—because our campaign is going well—will do everything to discredit us," said Max Bernier in an interview with Rebel News. "They are scared and afraid [of] our message. They don't want Canadians to be able to hear [it]. But it's common sense.... We need to start a common sense revolution in this country, a freedom revolution."

He then admits: "I won't be prime minister after the election. I won't be the leader of the opposition. But we will have some candidates that will be elected and we'll be able to [have] that common sense revolution...."
—John C. A. Manley | Wellington-Perth PPC Webmaster
PS On the subject of common sense, that is the focus of our new two-page, full colour flyer. Canada Post will start delivering it to homes in the riding tomorrow, beginning in Wellington county. Please donate, if you haven't already, towards the costs of printing and delivery.
PPS Worried about vote splitting? Check out this short video by PPC candidate Chelsea Hillier explaining why she thinks it's a myth.