Wayne Baker
12 More Scrutineers Urgently Needed
By Wayne Baker | |
I'm sure watching someone count votes is as fun as
The Freedom Flyer Some People Don’t Want You To See
By Wayne Baker | |
Over the last week, Wayne Baker has been unleashing our
Survivor of genocidal war offers warning and hope at Mount Forest PPC rally today
By Wayne Baker | |
In a November 2020 Rebel News report, Tamara Ugolini described
Volunteers urgently needed to stand on guard against election fraud
By Wayne Baker | |
We've seen how other countries (in recent years and throughout
Mark Bell and Max Bernier speak out against medical apartheid in Canada
By Wayne Baker | |
"Trudeau wants us to believe that proof of vaccination will
Protecting the Ultimate Minority: The Individual
By Wayne Baker | |
While the media has falsely accused the People's Party of
“People Are Fed Up and They Want to Gain Back Their Freedom”
By Wayne Baker | |
"It's the same everywhere. In Eastern Canada or Western Canada
“The mainstream media is afraid of our message”
By Wayne Baker | |
As you surely know, the People's Party of Canada was
“This has got to stop. This is just insane.”
By Wayne Baker | |
"As far as the COVID passport is concerned, we have
“The appalling silence of the good people”
By Wayne Baker | |
In 1958, in Stride Toward Freedom, Martin Luther King, Jr.
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